
Entrepreneur 101: Have Fun And Earn At The Same Time With Bead Making

Do you know that many of us work hard but are unhappy with what we do?

Oftentimes, we do it for the sake of being able to cover the cost of household expenses. Not only that, but we also sacrifice what we love doing in order to live a comfortable life.

However, many successful entrepreneurs also started out that way. Starting your own business is simple and if you love doing it then work becomes easier and fun

With that said, one of the popular businesses that one can put up is constructing and designing fashion jewelleries or accessories.

The demand for the accessories are no longer restricted to fashion designers or artisans as many fashion houses are now looking for innovative artist to give a fresh look to the fashion industry.

Rhinestone curved cross designs, brooches, bobby pins and cage pendant necklaces are staging their come back in the fashion industry.

Versatility and Flexibility

Investing on fashion jewelleries is made affordable by purchasing by the bulk. If you plan to start out on brooches then there are different cameo settings to consider. You can however purchase one or two designs and concentrate on it.

What makes brooches wonderful to start with is that it never comes out of style. Cameos look good with daily attire and are versatile enough that one can use it as a necklace, and even pin it on one's clothes.

Cage Pendants

We all have something important that we never leave home without. Cage pendant is the perfect holder for small tokens that will remind you of your loved ones. Cage pendants are also called "sea glass locket" and are hollow inside.

Some cage pendants contain a pearl inside, which you can interchange with your birthstone, or precious minerals that are dear to you.

Designs are also different so you can choose from heart filigree, oval shape, key or even a cage pendant with a shape of a tear.

Selling Your Fashion Accessories

For budding entrepreneurs, selling one's own accessories are not easy. However, there are many ways to increase one's customer based without having to fork out thousands for advertisement.

One can attend bazaars especially if the theme is about arts and designs. This is ideal as people who go to such events are already jewellery lovers, as such are prospective buyers, and if they like your accessories can be your repeat customer.

Another way to sell your brooches or cage pendants is to rent it out to fashion organizers. This is free exposure and since advertisement is expensive, having models wear your fashion accessories while walking the ramp not only exposes the clothes they are wearing but also your jewelleries.

If on the other hand you are busy with your day job, then posting it online to shopping sites is ideal. EBay or Amazon will increase your jewellery exposure without you having to shell out money for marketing campaigns.

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